  • 自然科学 & 数学


被人类的行为、思想和情感所吸引的? 考虑一个心理学专业.  心理学 majors at 九州娱乐官网 are exposed to the vast fields within psychology, 并有广泛学习的选择 实验心理学 或者专注于 临床/咨询 和/或 行为神经科学. Regardless of the chosen path, there are many opportunities to gain hands-on experience conducting research using a wide range of exceptional cutting-edge laboratory equipment, or to get real-world experience interning in a psychologically-based placement, all while building lasting relationships with professors who provide mentorship along 的方式.

定制你的教育: 心理学专业的学生可以根据三个方面来调整他们的教育:实验 心理学, 临床/咨询 心理学, 行为神经科学) based on their 兴趣和未来目标. 了解更多

获得实践经验: 实践经验自然地融入到课堂和实验室中. 学生发展卓越 knowledge and skills through scholarly involvement in multiple projects throughout 他们的本科生涯. 了解更多

进行独立研究: Senior psychology majors have the choice between a theoretical or data-driven Senior 顶石的经验. 大多数学生选择一个数据驱动的项目,在那里他们进行 用实证研究来回答自己的原创性研究. 所有学生一对一学习 有一位教师导师指导他们完成长达一年的过程.  了解更多

直接访问教员: 一旦学生成为九州娱乐官网大家庭的一员,教师就会采取 在学习过程中积极指导每个人. 教职员工 心理学 Department have an open-door policy and really do take each student’s education 就我个人而言. 教师和学生之间形成的关系通常会持续很长时间 毕业后. 见见我们的教员

培养书面和口头沟通能力; 到毕业时,心理学专业的学生应该具备观察、评估和评价的能力 human behavior, and effectively communicate their findings in written and oral formats. 这些技能使我们的学生在几乎任何职业中都能获得成功.

批判性地评价人类行为: 心理学 majors should have the foundational knowledge in diverse areas of psychology 他们可以用它来更好地理解自己和他人的行为. 这 in-depth understanding of psychology also allows our majors to have a critical eye toward the many reports of psychological phenomena they will come across every day 在新闻和其他大众媒体中.

理解定量和可视化数据; Students studying 心理学 should be able to understand data in the form of quantitative analysis and visual displays, and use data effectively to understand human behavior. Our students can critically evaluate data and are not deceived by statistics in the 媒体.

了解更多关于APA的信息 5项可转移技能

实习: 学生可以在获得宝贵经验的同时获得学分.  将近一半的心理学 majors (and 80% of Clinical Counseling Concentrators) complete at least one internship. 了解更多

服务和体验式学习: Many courses offer students the opportunity to apply what they learn beyond the classroom. Our facilities have easy access to multiple psychological laboratories, as well as 其他自然科学实验室. 了解更多

心理学俱乐部: All students with an interest in psychology are welcome to join or become a leader 心理俱乐部的主席. 了解更多

Our undergraduate psychology degree choices are versatile, leading to a wide variety 今天的劳动力机会.

For psychology bachelor’s degree holders, the most common primary work activity is management, followed by health-related services and academically-oriented positions. 【来源: 2017年全国高校毕业生调查,国家科学基金有些职业需要额外的教育.

  • 管理包括销售和市场营销. 许多企业高管,最高层 经理和人力资源专业人士学习心理学.
  • 我们的专业通常进入与健康相关的服务行业. 一些职位头衔包括 clinicians, mental health counselors, social workers, nurses, occupational therapists, 语言病理学家、医生、兽医和药剂师.
  • 心理学专业的学生可以获得各种学术职位. 这包括职业 in teaching and research, such as special education teacher, school psychologist, 学院/大学教授、统计学家和科学家.

而全国范围内的趋势显示,七分之四的心理学专业学生没有毕业 degrees, more than half of our graduates pursue higher-level degrees, increasing their 收入潜力. 【来源: 2017年全国高校毕业生调查,国家科学基金]



For broad exposure to many disciplines within psychology, courses in the major emphasize 心理学理论模型的实证检验. 宽泛的心理学专业 is especially recommended for those students who wish to double major in psychology and another field or for those who are not interested in the clinical/counseling concentration 或者是行为神经科学.


  • 社会心理学
  • 生命的发展
  • 健康心理学



The concentration in behavioral neuroscience is designed for students with a focused 对行为和思想的生物学基础感兴趣. 浓度很好 suited for students that are contemplating professional or research careers in medicine, pharmaceuticals, veterinarian medicine, animal science, neurology and neuroscience. Because behavioral neuroscience concentrators have additional laboratory requirements beyond other 心理学 majors, students in this concentration earn a Bachelor of 理学(学士)学位.


  • 生物心理学
  • 认知神经科学
  • 精神药理学



The clinical/counseling concentration is designed to prepare students interested in 帮助行业和人类服务.  课程作业为学生提供了基础 for graduate work in counseling, school psychology, clinical psychology, and the allied 健康领域. 学生们也为人力资源的入门级职位做好了准备, management, child care or school settings as well as work as clinical/counseling assistants 或者研究助理.


  • 我精神病理学 & II
  • 孩子的评估
  • 学习与应用行为分析




Every year, at least 40 students are co-authors on presentations at the Eastern Psychological 协会年会. 每年约有25名学生乘坐“心理学”号旅行 参加本次会议的系系教职工. 这是一个令人兴奋的机会 for students to share their work with others in the field of 心理学 within our 地区. 学生研究人员还在其他国家会议上展示了他们的研究成果 教职员研究顾问. 这是为读研或就业做准备的好方法 in research, as well as a chance for students to network as they show off their amazing 研究项目. 学生出席会议的旅费在很大程度上是 被对弗吉尼亚大学的慷慨捐助抵消了. 康纳85基金.


Ninety-five percent of our majors report that they have worked on a psychology team 作为课程的一部分或与教员一起进行的研究项目. 13 class options have laboratory components that allow students to have hands-on exposure to areas such as developmental, social, health, biopsychology, neuropsychology, counseling 实践与认知. 百分之百的学生至少经历过四次 这些实验课程.  

Every summer, students can apply to collaborate directly with faculty members during 为期10周的项目 约翰年代. 托尔夏季研究奖学金. At the end of the summer, students present their findings during a 海报 session 哪一个对公众开放. 学生们还可以获得一小笔津贴来协助他们的工作.





心理学一年级研讨会(FYS)学生提出中期研究项目 对于校园社区.

Students and faculty present research together at the Eastern Psychological Association (EPA)会议.

神经心理学课庆祝年终研究报告. 他们 are getting ready to attend the upcoming Eastern Psychological Association (EPA)会议.

The 心理学 Department inducts new student members into its Honors Society, Psi 气.

博士在读学生. 墨菲的社会和人格发展课一起玩 体验游戏对儿童社会发展的重要性.

心理学 seniors present 高级顶点经验 (SCE) research at our annual 海报研讨会. 指导老师们一起观察和庆祝他们的辛勤工作.

博士在读学生. 墨菲的社会和人格发展课一起玩 体验游戏对儿童社会发展的重要性.

心理学 seniors present 高级顶点经验 (SCE) research at our annual 海报研讨会.

The 心理学 Department inducts new student members into its Honors Society, Psi 气.







