chester river waterfront campus

    Summer Term at Washington College

     Washington College is excited to offer a wide range of academic opportunities for undergraduate students, as well as high school students, working adults, and more. We will be offering in person and remote classes, to allow learners to access our exceptional programming from anywhere across the globe (although we are partial to the Chester River in the summer). No matter where you are joining us from, rest assured that you will discover rich opportunities to expand your academic horizons, enhance your skills, and experience an unparalleled liberal arts education. Continue building towards your future—join us this summer at WC.


    Cost of Attendance

    • Current Students & Incoming First Year Students
    • Non-Degree Seeking Students (including students from other Colleges and Universities) *
    • High School Dual Enrollment 


    Off Campus /


    Net Tuition/student






    Food Service



    Student service fees



    Health Service Fee



    Total Student Charges



    * Deposit: $250 due on confirmation of seat in course


    Know what you are looking for?    


    Classes in Summer Term Session 1 are offered online, in person, and as hybrid (where students may elect either option). Be sure to look at the mode column to know which option the instructor has chosen when offering the course. These are 4 credit courses, unless otherwise noted.

    Classes are from May 28 - June 21, 2024, with no classes on June 19th (Emancipation Day). Course descriptions are provided lower on this page 

    Instructor's Name

    Course Name

    Course Title




    Friday Lab

    R.C. De Prospo

    Introduction to American Culture I

    AMS/ENG 209





    Julie Markin

    Archaeology Field School

    ANT 296

    Special Times (Full Day Activities)


    Field Site


    Jason Patterson

    Introductory Drawing Studio

    ART 261





    Austin Lobo

    Computer Science 1

    CSI 111





    L. Michelle Johnson

    Educational Psychology

    EDU 252





    Amber Taliancich

    Introduction to Creative Writing

    ENG 103





    James Hall

    Intro to Poetry

    ENG 222



    SMITH 111


    Rebecca Mensch

    Introduction to Environomental Studies with Lab

    ENV 101

    M-Th 12:2:45; 


    CMWL 210 (LEC) & 204 (LAB)

    Friday 1:00-5:00

    Dylan Poulsen

    Statistical Inference and Data Analysis

    MAT 109



    DUNN N103


    Shaun Ramsey

    Differential Calculus

    MAT 111



    DALY 106


    Jonathan McCollum

    World Music & Ethnomusicology

    MUS 104





    Joseph Prud'homme

    SpTp: Monotheisms

    PHL 294





    View Course Descriptions



    Classes in Summer Term Session 2 are offered online, in person, and as hybrid (where students may elect either option). Be sure to look at the mode column to know which option the instructor has chosen when offering the course. These are 4 credit courses, unless otherwise noted.

    Classes are from June 24 - July 19, 2024, with no classes on July 4th (Independence Day). Course descriptions are provided lower on this page 

    Instructor's Name

    Course Name

    Course Title




    Katherine Charles

    Literature and Composition

    ENG 101




    Juyoun Jang

    Introduction to Fiction

    ENG 220




    Kenneth Schweitzer

    Rock, Pop, & American Culture

    MUS 106




    Bin Song

    SpTp: Confucianism & Ru Meditation

    PHL 394




    View Course Descriptions


    Ready to Register?

    Learn how you can sign up today.

    You are a current Washington College student who has completed one or more semesters at Washington College.

    Congratulations on joining Goose Nation! We are delighted you want to start your collegiate career a semester early.

    You are a rising 9th-12th grader looking to get a jump start on college credits.

    You are a lifelong learner or working adult taking a course or two for personal enrichment or professional development




    Course Descriptions

    White Space Filler

    AMS/ENG 209 Introduction to American Literature and Culture I

    Instructor: DeProspo

    This course is concerned with the establishment of American Studies as a curriculum in post-World War II American colleges and universities. Readings will include a variety of written texts, including those not traditionally considered literary, as well as a variety of other-than-written materials, including popular cultural ones, in accordance with the original commitment of American Studies to curricular innovation. Introductions to the modern phenomena of race, gender, sexual orientation, generation, and class in U.S. culture will be included. A comparatist perspective on the influence of American culture internationally and a review of the international American Studies movement in foreign universities will also be introduced.

    White Space Filler

    ANT 296: Archaeology Field School

    An introduction to archaeological fieldwork methods and to the theoretical concerns of anthropological archaeology. includes participation in archaeological survey and excavation as well as lectures, readings, and writing assignments. 

    WhenMay 27 - June 20, 2024 (Full Day)

    Check out more info

     Email Dr. Julie Markin [[email protected]] with questions or to register.

    White Space Filler

    ART 261: Introductory Drawing Studio

    Instructor: Patterson

    This studio class introduces students to drawing through a range of material, conceptual, and skill-based approaches. While focusing on basic skills and concepts of drawing, the curriculum is also interdisciplinary in nature. In addition to drawing fundamentals, the course also places emphasis on experimental approaches and on connecting conceptual thinking to one’s broader creative practice. Contemporary and historical examples of artists working within such a creative practice are covered through readings, lectures, and screenings.

    White Space Filler

    CSI 111: Computer Science 1

    Instructor: Lobo

    The objectives of this course are threefold: to introduce programming concepts and algorithmic development, to teach an object-oriented programming language, and to teach how to design, code, debug and document programs using the techniques of good programming style.

    White Space Filler

    EDU 252: Educational Psychology

    Instructor: L Michelle Johnson

    A general summary of theories of educational psychology. Aspects of evaluation, individual differences, and psychological adjustments that are relevant to education and applicable to classroom practices will be examined.

    White Space Filler

    ENG 101: Literature and Composition

    Instructor: Katherine Charles

    This course develops the student’s capacity for intelligent reading, critical analysis, and writing through the study of literature. There are frequent writing assignments, as well as individual conferences on the student’s writing. Many sections have a specific topic or theme. Counts for Journalism, Editing & Publishing minor, Humanities distribution, and W2 requirement.

    White Space Filler

    ENG 103: Introdcuton to Creative Writing

    Instructor:: Amber Taliancich

    A workshop introducing new writers to several forms of creative writing, including poetry, fiction, and nonfiction. Students will use classic and contemporary literature as models for their own efforts. Counts for Creative Writing minor, Journalism, Editing & Publishing minor, W2 requirement.

    White Space Filler

    ENG 220: Introudciton to Fiction

    Instructor: Juyoun Jang

    This course introduces you to the study of literary fiction. This is not a creative writing workshop nor an introduction to fiction writing methods. This course will survey the rich tradition of prose fiction largely, but not exclusively, in English. Emphasis will be placed on the enduring features of this genre as it evolved throughout the centuries as well as to the innovations introduced by individual writers. The literary works selected for this course will draw upon a variety of fictional forms and styles. Class discussions will include, along with close readings of the works themselves, an appreciation of the historical and cultural contexts out of which they arose and to which they gave a fictional rewriting. Counts for Creative Writing minor, Humanities distribution, and W2 requirement.

    White Space Filler

    ENG: 222: Introduction to Poetry

    Instructor: James Hall

    This course will provide an introduction to the study of various styles and forms of poetry. By reading a wide range of poetic styles from a number of aesthetic schools, students will consider the ways in which poetry has become a conversation across centuries, how the genre may act simultaneously as a personal and a political voice, and how it may be interpreted not only as intimate confession but also as “supreme fiction.” Counts for Creative Writing minor, Humanities distribution, and W2 requirement.

    White Space Filler

    ENV 101: Introduction to Environomental Studies with Lab

    Instructor: Rebecca Mensch

    This course is an introduction to the discipline of environmental studies. A multidisciplinary view of human responsibility toward the natural world will be emphasized, focusing on significant contemporary environmental issues. Topics to be covered include environmental literature (both historical and current), economic and ethical environmental concerns, scientific methods of assessment and analysis of environmental problems, and possible solutions to representative environmental problems. The laboratory/recitation section will be utilized for field trips, data collection, demonstrations, and discussions. This course is a prerequisite for all upper-level ENV courses. The course should be completed by the end of the sophomore year if it is going to be counted toward the major.

    White Space Filler

    MAT 109: Statistical Inference and Data Analysis

    Instructor: Poulsen

    Introduction to the theory and practice of data analysis and statistics in the natural and social sciences. Statistical software will be used. Topics will include data ethics, sampling, experimental design, descriptive statistics, conditional probability, the normal distribution, simple linear regression, confidence intervals, hypothesis tests, and decisions. MAT 109 and BUS 109 may not both be taken for credit

    White Space Filler

    MAT 111: Differential Calculus

    Instructor: Ramsey

    Analytic geometry, the derivative and differential, elementary functions, limits, continuity, and applications. Prerequisite: It is strongly recommended that a student should have strong algebra and trigonometric skills before taking this course.

    White Space Filler

    MUS/ANT 104: Intro to World Music and Ethnomusciology

    Instructor: McCollum

    An introduction to music of the world, including popular, folk, religious and classical traditions. Explores the way ethnomusicologists organize and analyze knowledge about the world, while investigating the ways music acquires meaning in performances that are socially, historically, and culturally situated.

    White Space Filler

    MUS 106: Rock, Pop, and American Culture

    Instructor: Schweitzer

    An examination of popular music in America from the 1830s through the modern day. With a particular emphasis being placed on the 1950s and 1960s, students will develop an understanding of the cultural, political, and economic forces of these eras and will examine how popular music history intersects with all aspects of American history and culture. This course also examines several important threads in popular music history, including the ever-present, but ever changing, role of race relations, the impact of evolving technologies, and the history of the music industry. In addition to reading the assigned textbook, students are also asked to watch/listen to important archival performances, televised interviews with notable musicians, radio interviews with scholars of popular culture, and other relevant primary sources.

    White Space Filler

    PHL 294: SpTp: Monotheisms

    Instructor: Prud'Homme

    This distinctive course explores the topic of monotheism as a religious belief and system of thought. One issue surrounding monotheism is whether it intrinsically pulls believers toward intolerance, at least relative to polytheistic or non-theistic beliefs. Other questions concern the variety of monotheisms and whether the concept has a stable meaning. Another is the rational basis for monotheism. This course will explore such questions by reference to historical polytheisms; Judaism; trinitarian thought in Christianity; Islam; contemporary monotheisms outside the Judeo-Christian-Islamic framework, including elements of Hinduism; and modern theologies. Religious texts and concepts as well as sociological developments will be examined. Guest experts will enrich the learning experience.

    White Space Filler

    PHL/REL 394: Special Topic: Confucianism and Ru Meditation

    Instructor: Song

    This course introduces the philosophical concepts, sociological foundation, political implementation, and spiritual/religious practices of the Asian Ru (Confucian) tradition. While remaining sensitive to its varying characteristics through different historical periods, the course also presents Ruism's development across Asian countries such as Korea, Japan, Vietnam and Indonesia, and studies its historical interaction with Western cultures. Students are encouraged to think over and practice Ruist insights in a broader context of philosophical and religious studies, while being able to compare it with other major Asian and Western philosophical and religious traditions. Special acquired skills: students will learn Meditation in Motion in its varying forms, such as breathing, sleeping, quiet-sitting and Taiji martial arts, to strengthen their mind-body general well-being and increase creativity and productivity.


    Contact Us

    Questions? We're here to help!

    Office of the Registrar

    We support course registration and maintain academic records.

    [email protected]
    Bunting Hall, lower level

    Admissions Office

    We’re here to help you navigate the college admissions process.

    [email protected]
    Casey Academic Center

    Financial Aid

    The financial aid staff is here to assist you every step of the way.

    [email protected] 
    Casey Academic Center