
Learn more about scholarship opportunities at 九州娱乐官网.



荣誉奖学金颁发给被九州娱乐官网录取的一年级学生. 学生可以自行申请这些奖学金,但也可以被提名 by their admissions counselor. 这些奖学金优先考虑给予申请WC的学生 到12月1日.

荣誉奖学金是基于兴趣的奖学金,提供各种机会 在收件人在九州娱乐官网的时间里,继续了解更多 about each individual Honors Fellowship. 

Explore our 荣誉奖学金

奖学金以优异成绩为基础,根据学生的GPA、考试成绩提供奖学金 scores, class rank or other criteria as determined by the Office of 招生. 

学生在提交申请时,将自动考虑获得择优奖学金 他们的应用程序. At the time of admission, students will be notified of their eligibility for merit-based scholarships. Awards generally range up to $36,000, renewable annually.

所有被国家荣誉协会和优等生协会录取的学生都有一个不加权的 GPA 3.0 or better receive at least $30,000 in an academic tuition award.

学术学费奖学金颁发给申请的Phi Theta Kappa活跃会员 作为转校生. 

These scholarships recognize academic achievement regardless of financial need. 更多的 than half of our students qualify for a merit-based tuition scholarship. 奖学金 amounts can be up to $36,000 per year.

九州娱乐官网很高兴每年接受来自以下国家的学费交换申请 member institutions under the guidelines of the 学费交换 organization. 支持 同事子女在高等教育中的受教育机会是 important to us, and we are pleased to be a part of this service.

学费交换奖学金涵盖了到WC的全部学费,最高可达 4 years of undergraduate education. This scholarship does not cover the costs of room 还有伙食费或其他费用.

Learn more about WC's 学费交换 过程

这笔1500美元的奖学金将颁发给即将入学的一年级学生 renew annually for four years. All majors and interests are welcome to apply! 申请人 must submit an essay about a political topic of their choosing. 


前全职受益雇员的子女,服务二年或二年以上 在1998年6月30日之前,与益利公司及其附属公司取得联系 are potential candidates for these full-tuition scholarships. 合格的申请者 should request consideration with 他们的应用程序 for admission.

To qualify, students must satisfy BOTH of the following conditions:

1. Submit a letter requesting scholarship consideration prior to or concurrent with the submission of 他们的应用程序 for admission. The letter must include a notarized 申请人父母的声明书,说明其与申请人的关系 申请人,以及该父母在6月之前在益益公司的工作经历 30, 1998.

2. Present a three-year weighted grade point average of 3.25或更好(在4上).00 规模).

确定有资格获得全额学费霍德森信托奖学金的学生 前受益雇员的子女将被邀请参加奖学金面试.

奖学金将每年续签,前提是受助人保持连续 全日制注册状态和最低累积九州娱乐官网成绩点 平均2.5.


申请霍德森信托奖学金的学生 Beneficial Employees should adhere to the following timeline:

  • 前受益雇员子女优先霍德森信托奖学金申请 截止日期是 2/1/25,在此日期之后的申请将根据奖学金的可用性进行审查.
  • 符合霍德森信托奖学金学术标准的学生面试 for Children of Former Beneficial Employees will begin in early February. 
  • The interview 过程 will conclude on 3/1/25.
  • 学生将被告知前受益人子女霍德森信托奖学金 Employees decision by mid-March.

关于前受益人子女霍德森信托奖学金的任何问题 员工们,请通过电子邮件联系招生办副主任斯凯拉·库恩 at (电子邮件保护), or call 410-810-8321 (desk).

我们鼓励对任何戏剧领域感兴趣的新生申请 Timothy Maloney 奖学金.

为纪念系里的创始人,校友慷慨捐资成立 和名誉教授Timothy Maloney,每年颁发多个优秀奖学金 to incoming freshmen who intend to major in theatre.

总共有三(3)个奖学金,金额从3000美元到7500美元不等,可以续签 每年一次,为期四年,前提是接受者保持良好的学术成绩(GPA) ≥ 2.5) and declares a theatre major.

Learn 更多的 about the Timothy Maloney 奖学金


主席奖学金,由通用电气董事长和九州娱乐官网资助 明矾H. 小劳伦斯·卡尔普. and his wife Wendy Culp, selects up to five recipients 获得20,000美元的奖学金,可再续三年,最高可达80,000美元 每个收件人的总数. Recipients must be children of current GE employees at the time 的应用程序.

Learn more about the Chairman's 奖学金


冠名奖学金和捐赠奖学金是通过捐赠者、校友、 企业基金会. Eligibility for endowed scholarships are based on specific 由奖学金捐赠者确定的资格,如成绩,居住, financial need, major, GPA, involvement in extra-curricular activities, etc. 

Students need not apply for named scholarships; they are awarded at the discretion of the Director of Student 金融援助. 

指定奖学金获得者可能会被要求写一封个人感谢信给学校 使你的奖学金成为可能和/或与奖学金一起参加一个活动的捐赠者 供体(s).


来自私人捐赠者、民间组织、企业、 foundations or other group are considered outside awards.


These funds are posted upon receipt of the scholarship check. 我们收到的支票 除非另有说明,办公室在秋季和春季学期之间平均分配 in your scholarship award letter.

私人奖学金可能会影响你的需求为基础的经济援助,如果总财政 援助,包括外部奖励,超过联邦计算的需要或如果总和 of all scholarships received exceeds the cost of attendance. 只要有可能, Office of Student 金融援助 will reduce loan and work-study awards first.

获得基于成绩的学术学费奖学金的学生必须保持 a 2.5 Cumulative Grade Point Average (CGPA) and full-time, continuous enrollment at 九州娱乐官网. International students who receive a merit scholarship are required 为了保持2.0 CGPA.

获得捐赠奖学金的学生,除非备忘录中另有说明 of Understanding (MOU), are required 为了保持2.5 CGPA and full-time continuous enrollment at 九州娱乐官网. Endowed scholarships may or may not be renewable.

离开WC而没有进入其他学院并且达到最低要求的学生 2.当他们离开WC CGPA时,他们将自动有资格获得奖学金 回到厕所. Financial aid will automatically review their file upon notification 他们回到WC. Students who have received need-based aid in prior years will be reviewed upon receipt of the FAFSA for the academic year in which they return. Eligibility for need-based aid will be determined whent he FAFSA is received.

离开WC到另一所学校的学生将没有资格获得他们的功绩 和/或基于需求的援助. Students may appeal and should contact the 金融援助 office 开始这个过程.

未达到最低标准的学生将没有资格获得相应的奖学金 在他们返回时提供援助. Students will have the ability to appeal if there was an extenuating 情况下.

奖学金s eligibility is for a maximum of eight semesters. 更新eligibility will be reviewed at the end of every spring term. 学生将获通知 in June of their merit award status.




Class of 2020 • Long Island, New York

Ama Amponsah

Class of 2022 • Newark, Delaware


Class of 2021 • Arlington, Virginia

