


    The 地理信息系统 程序 was thrilled to welcome an 8th grade science class from the Chestertown 基督教学院. Together, we talked about how to recognize "good" data, and how 在地图上可视化这些数据. To see this process in action, we created a data collection survey and used Arc地理信息系统 Field Maps to collect data points outside around 市中心Chestertown.

    九州娱乐官网 Students Return to 地理信息系统 程序 


    The 地理信息系统 程序 is happy to welcome back our student interns for the spring semester! We have 10 interns this spring working in the 地理信息系统 lab on our various grants and contracts. Our student interns gain valuable experience working on real-world projects for our funders, exemplifying 九州娱乐官网’s mission to provide experiential learning 给学生. We’re looking forward to a great semester with our amazing students!

    New Project: Chestertown Trees Data Collection


    The 地理信息系统 程序 is excited to work with the Chestertown Tree Committee to create and employ a data collection survey for all trees in Chestertown. 追踪树木 show where there are gaps in tree coverage in town, and where sick and injured trees 需要照料.



    Main Street Chestertown visited the 地理信息系统 程序 to talk about how the 地理信息系统 程序 能协助他们完成任务吗. We discussed Main Street Chestertown’s goals for revitalizing the downtown area and creating a robust experience for tourists visiting the historic district. W我期待着 继续 会谈 与主街 Chestertown 随着这个过程的进行.

    九州娱乐官网 and Amrita University's Joint Initiative Advances in USAID Partnership 程序


    九州娱乐官网's 环境与社会研究中心, along with its 地理信息系统 程序, is proud to announce its successful collaboration with Amrita University (India) in advancing to the next stage of USAID's Higher Education Partnership for Disaster Resilient 基础设施(HEP-DRI). This joint initiative, "Resilient Infrastructure and 可持续性 Education (RISE)," is part of a larger collaborative effort involving multiple prestigious U.S. 以及印度学术界和工业界的合作伙伴. The collaboration underscores a commitment to international cooperation in disaster-resilient infrastructure education and professional 发展. The team eagerly anticipates the upcoming February 1, 2024, presentation to showcase their comprehensive and innovative approach in this vital domain.


    地理信息系统 Campus Map Presentation for Senior 工作人员 


    Things are steadily moving forward on the new campus web map! 麦迪逊·凯和塔瑞克 Rashed presented the current draft of the campus web map to 九州娱乐官网 senior staff who were very pleased with the map and excited for what possibilities a geospatial 校园可以提供九州娱乐官网. The campus map will be a great resource for students, families, alumni, and other visitors to 九州娱乐官网 and takes a step forward in making the campus more accessible. 

    The campus map extends into a collaboration between the 地理信息系统 程序 and Kent County 下一代911. This is a nationwide initiative for counties to be in line 有应急服务指南. The 地理信息系统 程序 and Kent County are working together to update campus road names and address numbers for emergency services to be able to efficiently navigate the campus to respond to an emergency.  

    新地理信息系统项目主任,Dr. Tarek·拉希德


    Tarek brings over 30 years of experience in geographic information science and technologies (地理信息系统&T)到地理信息系统程序内 环境中心 & 九州娱乐官网社团. 他在开发地理信息系统方面的工作&T and systems thinking technical solutions and frameworks, and their applications spans across incredibly diverse sectors, including disaster risk reduction, health, climate change, community resilience, digital transformation, urban and rural 发展, supply-chain management, homeland security, sustainable 农业和妇女赋权.


    工作人员 Attended the 2024 Esri 开发者峰会



    Earlier this month, two of our staff members traveled to Palm Springs, California 对于年度 Esri 开发者峰会! This conference, held by the makers of our 地理信息系统 software, allows our coders and app developers to meet with and learn from the developers working directly 在我们每天使用的软件上. We're looking forward to sharing these new skills and tips with our students and implementing them into our projects!


    工作人员 Attended the 2024 Esri Federal 地理信息系统 Conference



    Our staff recently attended the national Esri Federal User Conference in Washington, DC! We learned a lot about new and up-and-coming technology produced by Esri, the 地理信息系统软件的领导者. And we got the chance to reconnect with some 地理信息系统 程序 alumni! Now we're back in the lab to share our new-found knowledge with our students and partners.


    工作人员 Attended the "在停车时幸存下来" Traffic Safety Conference


    Hosted by the Maryland Highway Safety Office

    This conference was the first of it kind for our partner, the Maryland Highway Safety 办公室(MHSO). One of the major focuses of MHSO is law enforcement. 执法 Liaisons (LELs), provided the opportunity to allow the attendee to hear from presenters from local law enforcement agencies and other organizations in the region.
