

所有在校车辆必须登记 with 公共安全部门. 学生 和客人通行证是可用的. 如果你想在校园内停车, 在一天中的任何时候,你都必须登记你的车辆. 注册失败携带a fine and possible loss of motor vehicle parking privileges on campus.


Responsibility for payment of the penalties incurred rests with the student registrant, and if the registration has not been completed, it lies with the owner and/or operator 车辆的. The person receiving the fine has the right to appeal the offense. You must appeal your ticket online (address is shown on ticket) within ten (10) days 被签发的票. 在此截止日期之后,上诉将不予考虑.

Any person who receives more than five tickets may lose all parking privileges. 那些 who continually violate 九州娱乐官网 traffic 规定 and/or parking guidelines may find their vehicles booted or towed at the owner’s expense, and may be subject 纪律处分. 从车辆上取下行李箱要收50美元的费用. 继续违规可能导致进一步的纪律处分.

The College may withhold grades and/or transcripts as a result of the failure to pay 罚款.

鲁莽驾驶 $100
将车停在残疾人区/杂碎区 $100
不遵守交通管制装置 $50
阻碍交通流量 $50
停在消防道 $50
在草坪上驾驶/停车 $35
在教职员工,RA或访客空间停车 $30
停在禁止停车区 $30
停车预留区 $30
没有在九州娱乐官网注册 $30
停在人行道上 $30
其他 $30
警告 没有好